Artificial Intelliegnce: Finding Meaning of Life

So, continuing from previous post regarding the A.I today I am going to discuss about the impact of the creation of sentient machine philosophically. Well as you all know A.I is consider a machine and yet it have the ability to think. So, does having the ability to think mean that they have consciousness? In addition to that the A.I we created is designed to have a thinking processes that replicate of a human. So, does having a human thinking like mind processes makes that a man-made human (well in this case the mind). So what define a human? Well googling it sure does not help, most the result I got just basically refer human as human. So, how can we define human. Well there is actually a hilarious event that happen we early philosophers try to define what a human is human. Well the story happen we the famous philosopher Plato define a human as a featherless biped. Well this way of thinking is quiet logical since during that period those people never see a kangaroo. Then, come Diomedes a sarcastic fellow who was known for his eccentric attitude who would then bring a featherless chicken to Plato as say that the chicken is a human. Well if you want to have better explaination regarding that event CLICK HERE. As you can see defining a human can be quiet a challenge since we are trying to define what we are and the fact is we as a human like to define ourselves, meaning there an infinite of way we can define what a human is.

So going back to to discussing the artificial intelliegnce. I would to pose a question regarding how we would categories a highly functioning A.I meaning an A.I that fully think like a human and act a like human. Would we still consider it a machine a something entirely new?

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